Friday, June 24, 2011

Debt Ceiling Talks on Verge of Collapse

CNN is reporting on the status of the debt ceiling talks in Washington. It seems there is nothing new to report on the Republicans and the Democrats. Each party says the other is holding up the process.

It is a sad commentary on this country's state of affairs when reasonable people cannot come together for the good of their country.  Both parties are guilty of grandstanding and maintaining their positions to the detriment of others.

But walking out of the talks is being a baby and serves no purpose other than grandstanding. If the Task force has reached impasse, then the Task force in mass should state that. To quit and take your marbles home is cowardly and childish. Leaders work to come to a solution. Democrats and Republicans were put on this important task force for a reason - to come to table in good faith,  to come to a consensus solution that can be brought back to Congress for a vote that has a chance to pass.

Why does it always have to be my way or the highway? Why does it have to be all or nothing? Why does it have to be a blame game? Both parties are to blame for the condition of the country. This did not happen on any one particular President's term of office.

Congress is broke and we are all paying the price.


  1. Left the Republican PartyJune 24, 2011 at 10:21 AM

    "Republicans want to cut Medicare, Medicaid and education and want deep cuts because they’re unwilling to cut tax loopholes that benefit special interests,” the source said.

    Cutting tax loopholes is not the same thing as increasing tax rates for the rich. The rich still get to keep the lowest tax rate for themselves in history. Republicans are not the friend of American's middle class. My Republican Party has been hijacked and I don't like it one bit. I cannot support their social agenda, their fiscal policies that seem only to benefit the top percent of wealthy Republicans and their inability to do the job in Congress for the good of America as a whole, not just for wealthy corporations, millionaires and billionaires. I cannot continue to support that party or claim to be a Republican. It will be reflected in the future when I vote.

  2. Here is what Bob Schieffer of CBS News said about this do nothing Congress:

    The budget talks collapse was "just another example of the dysfunctional state that Congress now finds itself in."

    "I mean, stop and think about it: Congress has been in session since January, and it is yet do anything."

    "Basically, what has happened here, the Democrats do not want to be on record as cutting deeply into social programs and entitlements."

    "Republicans, on the other hand, want nothing to do with anything that can be branded a tax hike. We're not talking about raising taxes in the conventional sense; you're talking about eliminating subsidies for some big businesses - things like subsidies to the oil companies, subsidies to ethanol producers. And the Republicans are saying, if you eliminate those subsidies, that is, in effect, a tax increase."

    "We're in very dangerous territory right now."

    "No one in either party is willing to step up to the plate and do what needs to be done because they're worried that if they do, they won't get elected in the next election."

    There it is - a sorry bunch indeed.

  3. Congress reflects the American Voter, maybe a little selfish? Want everyone to sacrifice except themselves. Cut, cut, cut, oops not my program. Sound familiar, Ethanol?

  4. Congress is broke and we are all paying the price.

    It is not just congress that is broke. It is the same for the so called middle-class. Jennifer, we agree on a lot of things whether you see it that way or not. I also read Time magazine. That same edition you recently referenced had this startling percentage. 47%. Remember that one? That is the number of American households that could not come with $2,000 in cash in 30 days without selling off personal possessions.

    Why do you suppose that is? I think it is the complete erosion of the middle-class. Mostly brought on by corporate interests, but also in part brought on by the middle-classes own greed. Case in point. Spiked pension plans. You want to give corporate America an excuse to bash unions and convince Joe SixPack we don't need them? Well, there is just one shining example.

    This country stands on the brink of near total financial collapse and our do nothing congress people still throw mud at each other. IF, and it is a very possible IF, this congress stands idly by pointing fingers, we could lose our AAA credit rating in the world banks. IF that happens, look for the S&P to be cut in half in a months time. Then tell us more about our much needed "Events" Center.

    Polly Amalo
